One year ago today your father and I were up at the crack of dawn and on our way to the hospital to have an amniocentesis to see if you were ready to be born. I was 37 weeks pregnant. We had a scheduled C-Section for July 22nd, so we would do the test to check for lung maturity on the 21st. For some reason, when the nurse told me that a very small percentage of women will go into labor as a result of the test, I thought "well, since it is a small percentage, it will probably happen to me!" So we brought my packed bag and our cameras and left your sister with her Nonna.
Just in case.
While waiting the required hour after the test to see if labor would start (and secretly planning a very non-Gestational Diabetic lunch at McDonald's) the nurse who ALWAYS read my blood pressure as too high came in. I knew I was in trouble. Sure enough, she got several high readings and they decided to send us over to the hospital just to make sure everything was ok.
I was still planning my lunch at McDonald's.
While waiting in Triage, lamenting the huge co-pay we would be stuck with for the visit, the doctor on call came over. She wanted to know if I could feel the contractions I was having.
Not really.
Until I did.
After that, things went pretty fast.
Dr. Dad barely had time to run to the car and get our cameras, call our families and get back to me. I was taken to the OR and Dr. Dad got on his Daddy Scrubs and it was show time.
You didn't cry when they took you out, and I panicked for that brief moment. Dr. Dad ran over and took a picture of you and they suctioned you out a little bit more and then I heard it.
Your cry.
There you were, at 2:32 pm, 6 lbs. 15 oz and 20 inches long.
You were the perfect ending to our journey. After all that had gone so terribly wrong with my first pregnancy and the birth of your sister, this experience was so wonderfully right. We had done it, had the bad and then the good and amazingly, miraculously, had two healthy, beautiful, wonderful children.
I didn't get my McDonald's that day, but I think what I got instead was a lot better.
This year has been a blur, as everyone told me it would be. We are so busy in our lives as a family of four. To be honest, I haven't enjoyed every minute of it (spit-up, anyone?) but I have loved you every second of it.
I can't wait to see what your next year brings.
And aren't we all just so Lucky.