Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break 2012 Day One

I have been educated in the way of the agenda. Apparently, things go better when you plan ahead (who knew?!). I had big plans for The Girl and her Spring Break. But thanks to stupid gas prices and money in general, we opted for a "Staycation." This is just a fancy way of saying "we are finding cheap stuff to do around here."

However, I wasn't leaving this to endless questions of "what are we doing today, this week, this hour" so I posted a list of what we were going to do this week and so far, so good.

Day one was a visit to the Zoo. Thankfully free thanks to our Zoo Membership. Oh, except for the snacks I got talked into since they were STARVING after walking SO FAR (emphasis theirs, not mine).

I'll keep you posted on the rest of our week! Of course today The Boy has been up since 7 am so let's all pray for the addition of NAP to the agenda today...