Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Mother's Day has come and gone and the whole weekend was busy but fun.

Saturday was our walk for the March of Dimes and while God answered my prayer of "No rain until we get home, please" I forgot to include a prayer of "No gale force winds to make you think the Wicked Witch would be flying by at any minute" so we had some of those.

Of course, we hit the Peanut Shop after. I love that place.

Then we visited with Dr. Dad's parents and had a little dinner out and a rousing time shopping at Chez Walmart.

The joy of being a Mom to an almost 8 year old is that for Mother's Day, she will raid her art room and come up with an awesome homemade card and a crown. Also, pencils with wrappers she designed and colored and a box of coupons decorated with Gemz and promising snuggle time and another breakfast in bed.

The joy of being a Mom to an almost 2 year old is that when he comes in the room and sees you in the morning on Mother's Day he will give you a grin that makes you feel like you are the BEST PERSON EVER and then promptly try to attack his actual true love, the cat.

We made it to church and then my parents came over. We had dinner at my favorite hibachi restaurant.

Of course, we hit the Popcorn Shop while we were there. I love that place, too!

We really enjoy our snack food shops in this family.

Now we are back into the chaos that is May. Something like 5 birthdays to celebrate and a Memorial Day picnic and general merriment.

I am glad I got one day of hanging around at home and enjoying the reasons I even get to celebrate Mother's Day.

1 comment:

Lauren Ashley said...

I cannot believe that Baby Girl is almost 8. I am getting so old!!!