I am shamelessly ripping off this idea from a bunch of other blogs, mainly Dooce, of writing a little letter to her child on their monthly birthday.
You might have noticed I skipped month number one.
I have a good excuse.
You see, you have an older sister. You might have noticed her. She has been around for quite some time now and we really, really like her. However, she keeps us busy.
With things like this

and this
and even this
So I kind of missed writing about you. About how amazing it was to bring you home from the hospital and how mellow you were in the midst of our crazy first few weeks at home. How you were so good for me and Dr. Dad and let us focus on Baby Girl and all her goings on. How you let us drag you around to your first big introduction to Dr. Dad's BIG family at their annual picnic, and then up to Lakeside for our vacation and then to Pennsylvania to meet my family. Even how you let me take pictures of you with your Bunny.
So now you are two months old. Starting to smile and coo and get really, really happy when you see Mr. Sun on your playmat. You are still pretty mellow. But boy, can you ever spit-up. This is something your sister NEVER did and it has thrown me for a loop. Well, mostly it has thrown our laundry for a loop, but you get the idea. But you make up for the increasing laundry with the smiles
and also the way Dr. Dad likes to pose you with the pets.
We are anxiously awaiting every new thing with you. I am excited to see how big you have grown in these few months with us. So welcome to our little world Baby Boy. Sorry in advance for all the bunny pictures.
Happy 2 month Birthday,
1 comment:
I love it Heather. Hey, would you please add btkephart@uniteone.net to your approved e-mail address book. I keep getting my e-mails back and the system won't let me add myself.
Looking forward to future postings.
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