Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why I REALLY Love Christmas ...

This is the most wonderful time of the year...

for commercials.

Things you forgot about all year long are suddenly being advertised because, hey, someone might like it for a gift!

For some reason, when this commercial comes on I really know Christmas time is here. Because, really, when else do you see this around?

Anyway, trying to distract myself from the fact that I still need to pack, finish decorating the tree and make sure Baby Boy has clean clothes for when we are gone this weekend.

Plus, Baby Girl informed me yesterday that maybe she was a little sad she was going to miss Polar Express Day at school and would like to stay home instead of going to New York City. I had to pull out the laptop and show her Exciting Pictures! of Rockefeller Center! and Big Trees! and Ice Rinks! and Rockettes! She seemed a little more excited. At least I am!

I am feeling a little (a LOT) guilty about leaving Baby Boy. I know he will be fine. Dr. Dad is more than capable. Baby Boy won't even remember I am gone (I know this, because when Baby Girl was about 8 months old Dr. Dad and I ran away went to New Orleans, and she swears she remembers none of it).

Ok! Distraction! Look at the pretty picture of our house, decorated for Christmas! (Thank you Dr. Dad!).

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